Broxton Chicken Livers and Gizzards Festival

Saturday, Novemer 5, 2022

We had a great time serving and loving our community on Saturday, November 5 at the Broxton Chicken Livers and Gizzards Festival. We gave away 125 frisbees, many stadium cups, and pens with our logo on them. We gave away gospel tracks, water, and cookies. And of course Mr. Joey tied many balloon animals, swords, and flowers.

First responders banquet

We had a great night showing our first responders how much we appreciate what they do for our community. Police, fire, city officials and their spouses enjoyed boston butt or barbque chicken, sides, and deserts.


Friday, February 4

We hosted a Coffee Bar at Broxton Mary-Hayes Elementary School for all the staff. We served coffee from Ellianos and home-made muffins made by the members of Reedy Branch. Each staff member recieved a free coffee mug.

Christmas backpacks


We worked with the Coffee County Department of Family and Children Services to help supply some backpacks for children who had been pulled from their home but not officially placed in the Foster Care system. The backpacks were filled with all kinds of personal items and some toys, and clothes. We were able to pack 75.

wreaths across america

December 16, 2021

On Thursday we, with the help of some great kids from First Academy in Douglas, GA, lay a wreath on each of the graves for the veterans buried in our church cemetary, As each wreath was layed the names and rank of the service member was read.

School Backpacks

Recently we gave a backpack to each teacher of every class at Broxton Mary Hayes Elementary School. These backpacks were filled with supplies from the school supply list provided by the teachers. There was also a hand-written note of encouragement for each teacher. We hope this small touch will let our teachers know we love them and appreciate the job they do.